WOD-Row, KB Swings, Situps
Row 1000 meters
Kettlebell swing 50 reps, 1.5 pood
25 Sit-ups
Row 750 meters
Kettlebell swing 40 reps, 1.5 pood
20 Sit-ups
Row 500 meters
Kettlebell swing 30 reps, 1.5 pood
15 Sit-ups
Post time to comments.
Tomorrow (Saturday 12/13) is our last Free Saturday workout of the year.
We workout at 11:00am- Don’t forget you can bring a friend!
Please come and see what Crossfit is all about and consider CrossfitNKY for the New Year!
CrossFit on Access Hollywood
This one was tough. We need warmer weather to run in! This rowing stuff is for the birds. Well, I suppose flying is for the birds but Lucas never includes flying in any of the WODs so the birds can have rowing. 😉
As Rx’d – 21:12
Nice WOD…mentally challenge!!! Great Fred!!
Time 16:57 Rx’d
Time 21:09
25# kettle bell swings
Time: 19:06….a rare occasion to proudly say “AS PRESCRIBED”!
WOW!!!!Wendy that is a really good job…congrats!!!!