WOD-Row, KB Swings, Situps

Row 1000 meters
Kettlebell swing 50 reps, 1.5 pood
25 Sit-ups
Row 750 meters
Kettlebell swing 40 reps, 1.5 pood
20 Sit-ups
Row 500 meters
Kettlebell swing 30 reps, 1.5 pood
15 Sit-ups

Post time to comments.

Tomorrow (Saturday 12/13) is our last Free Saturday workout of the year.

We workout at 11:00am- Don’t forget you can bring a friend!

Please come and see what Crossfit is all about and consider CrossfitNKY for the New Year!

CrossFit on Access Hollywood

5 Responses to “WOD-Row, KB Swings, Situps

  • Moses
    15 years ago

    This one was tough. We need warmer weather to run in! This rowing stuff is for the birds. Well, I suppose flying is for the birds but Lucas never includes flying in any of the WODs so the birds can have rowing. 😉

    As Rx’d – 21:12

  • Armando
    15 years ago

    Nice WOD…mentally challenge!!! Great Fred!!

    Time 16:57 Rx’d

  • Karin
    15 years ago

    Time 21:09

    25# kettle bell swings

  • Wendy:

    Time: 19:06….a rare occasion to proudly say “AS PRESCRIBED”!

  • Armando
    15 years ago

    WOW!!!!Wendy that is a really good job…congrats!!!!