Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3-3
post loads to comments.
Tabata Row – 20 seconds on – 10 seconds rest, score distance for 8 rounds.
This Saturday 8/8 10am- free WOD! Members bring a friend- if your friend signs up you’ll be entered in a drawing for 1/2 off your September fees
Welcome back Steve!!
From 0709 |
Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3-3
Tabata Row – 20 seconds on – 10 seconds rest, score distance for 8 rounds.
923 m
Hey Coach Lucas,
After yesterday’s “Angie”, please don’t make me use my arms today! 🙂
The 1pm crew is signed up for the 7PM 5K Run on Saturday! Be sure to meet up and represent UF!
I think I start to low in weight in my DL…any ways I reach my goal for today!!!!
Cool down Tabata row for meter
Total meter 987m
Tabata row- total meters: 866
155,175,185,205,215 PR!!
Tabata Row Total: 855 m
Rich, what run is Saturday? Did you mean Friday? I, along with a few others, will be running the DashCincinnati race Friday at 7pm, “Who’s coming with me…???”
Tabata Row: 956 m
Hey Abby I’ll be there pushing you so you can lower ur 5k time to 22min!!!!
Hey Abby-
Lucas,Wendy,Armando,Rob,Meghan,Emily are all signed up to run! Bringing my boys for the kids race as well.
Awesome. Should we all try meeting up?? How does meeting outside in front of the church (St. Xavier, on Sycamore between 6th and 7th St.) sound? What time does the kids race start? I’ll have me cell phone if anyone wants to call or text me. 513-673-4297.