1000m row
45lb Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull ups
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**Now signing up for the On-Ramp program, limited space available to get started on your Crossfit program**
1000m row
45lb Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull ups
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**Now signing up for the On-Ramp program, limited space available to get started on your Crossfit program**
CrossFit Northern Kentucky
5785 B. Constitution Dr.
Florence, KY 41042
Phone: 1.859.496.0995
E-mail: Kendra@crossfitnky.com
© Copyright 2021. CrossFit Northern Kentucky. All Rights Reserved. Designed by SKT Themes
Today I meet :Jackie”. We were introduced in March- let’s see if we will continue to be friends or enemies. Watch for our evening posts!
Time 7:51 (pr)
My last Jackie was 03/14 my time was 9:14
*First time doing the WOD. As much as she hurts, I like her.
Box Jump: Crushed this morning’s 51″ and brought it up to 52.5″ with some encouragement from Mario!
Then went home and did 4 175m hill sprints.
Improved from 11:08 in March to 10:53 today- moved up in pull up bands, all 30 were white/purple.
Travel WOD: 6/23
2 rounds
10 supermans
20 jumping jacks
burpee to push up position – 10 push ups – burpee up
20 sit ups
Invisible Fran
21-15-9: Air Squats and Push Ups
Time: 2:44
Cool Down:
4 rounds 30 second plank hold
time: 10:39