For time:
50 Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
40 Pull-ups
40 Ring Dips
30 Pull-ups
30 Ring Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
Post time to comments.
For time:
50 Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
40 Pull-ups
40 Ring Dips
30 Pull-ups
30 Ring Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Northern Kentucky
5785 B. Constitution Dr.
Florence, KY 41042
Phone: 1.859.496.0995
E-mail: Kendra@crossfitnky.com
© Copyright 2021. CrossFit Northern Kentucky. All Rights Reserved. Designed by SKT Themes
hmmm will have to scale back some and switch ring dips for bar dips but still worth going after..
put my time up later…
I did all 50,50,40,40,30,30,20,20,10,10 but used blue band assisted pull ups and green band dips….killer.
Time: 30.27
Ow and wow is all I have to say!
White and purple band for 50-30; jumping for 20-10. blue band for ring dips. Ripped a callus on the 30 round which really slowed me down and caused me to do jumping for the last 2 sets. I had to cut another callus that ripped under the skin when I got home. I love pullup wods 🙂
Time: 30:46
50 Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
40 Pull-ups
40 Ring Dips
30 Pull-ups
30 Ring Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
Great job Amy- that’s 120 pull ups on the white/purple! Ouch on the callouses.
Mindy said her legs hurt today- I told her that was o.k., she wouldn’t need them for this wod:)
my numbers seems small but did
of pullups and bar dips in 18:10
Way to go Jason…no small numbers here. Glad to see your name at UF
50 Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
40 Pull-ups
40 Ring Dips
30 Pull-ups
30 Ring Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
I used green bad for pull-ups and a blue band for dips
Good job Mindy! You were awesome! I hope your hands are feeling better (she lost some calluses too)!