For time:
50 Pull-ups
50 Ring Dips
40 Pull-ups
40 Ring Dips
30 Pull-ups
30 Ring Dips
20 Pull-ups
20 Ring Dips
10 Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips

Post time to comments.

8 Responses to “WOD

  • Jason
    15 years ago

    hmmm will have to scale back some and switch ring dips for bar dips but still worth going after..

    put my time up later…

  • I did all 50,50,40,40,30,30,20,20,10,10 but used blue band assisted pull ups and green band dips….killer.
    Time: 30.27

  • Ow and wow is all I have to say!

    White and purple band for 50-30; jumping for 20-10. blue band for ring dips. Ripped a callus on the 30 round which really slowed me down and caused me to do jumping for the last 2 sets. I had to cut another callus that ripped under the skin when I got home. I love pullup wods 🙂

    Time: 30:46

    50 Pull-ups
    50 Ring Dips
    40 Pull-ups
    40 Ring Dips
    30 Pull-ups
    30 Ring Dips
    20 Pull-ups
    20 Ring Dips
    10 Pull-ups
    10 Ring Dips

  • Great job Amy- that’s 120 pull ups on the white/purple! Ouch on the callouses.

    Mindy said her legs hurt today- I told her that was o.k., she wouldn’t need them for this wod:)

  • jason
    15 years ago

    my numbers seems small but did
    of pullups and bar dips in 18:10

  • wendy
    15 years ago

    Way to go Jason…no small numbers here. Glad to see your name at UF

  • Mindy
    15 years ago

    50 Pull-ups
    50 Ring Dips
    40 Pull-ups
    40 Ring Dips
    30 Pull-ups
    30 Ring Dips
    20 Pull-ups
    20 Ring Dips
    10 Pull-ups
    10 Ring Dips

    I used green bad for pull-ups and a blue band for dips

  • Good job Mindy! You were awesome! I hope your hands are feeling better (she lost some calluses too)!