
1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

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3 Responses to “WOD

  • As prescribed- I was hesistant about that 45lb thruster but pushed through it—Time: 11:08
    Great way to get me movin’ on a Saturday!

    Anyone who has been following this site, c’mon in, give us a try!

  • Armando
    16 years ago

    9:00am Ran the Emerald 5k @ newport on the levee

    Time 22:45


    1000 meter row
    step up to 65 pound Thruster, 50 reps
    30 pull-ups

    Time 9:14

    No bad for 2hr rest!!! 🙂

  • steve
    16 years ago


    1000 meter row
    45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
    30 pull-ups

    did this 1 on wendsday morning.

    time 11:22
    pullup killed my time. I need to focus on getting better at pullups and start doing kipping.