Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

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Nothing like going heavy, the day after the Super Bowl.

From 2-1-09

6 Responses to “WOD

  • Armando
    16 years ago

    Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
    Warm up 6@95

    1@115, 1@135, 1@155, 1@175, 1@195, 1@205, 1@210


  • Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

    Sarah: 45-55-65-75-85-90(f)-90(f)
    Zach: 45-55-65-75-85-95(f)-90
    Greg: 65-95-105-115-125-130(f)-PASSED
    Here is a site that might be of interest. It has lots of good videos that breakdown a lot of the exercises. It might be redundant or to basic for most but for a novice like me it helped


  • Wendy
    16 years ago

    65F, 75, 80F, 70, 85F, 75F, 75
    Lucas has me all over the board….let’s get focused.

    Invisible Fran: 2:04
    21 squats
    21 pushups
    15 squats
    15 pushups
    9 squats
    9 pushups

  • Moses
    16 years ago

    Nice Armando !
    You have to love a bar bending deadlift ! Next time you should just tape Lucas and Kike to the bar. 🙂

  • Mindy
    16 years ago

    65 75 95 100 105f 105 110

    Invisible Fran: 2:04
    21 squats
    21 pushups
    15 squats
    15 pushups
    9 squats
    9 pushups

  • Thrusters:
    75 85 95f 95 100 105f

    Invisible Fran: 1:37
    21 squats
    21 pushups
    15 squats
    15 pushups
    9 squats
    9 pushups