WOD: CHIPPER DAY!! posted on whiteboard
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This WOD makes me think of sunny southern California!
I finished it…modified weights…19:something!
I really enjoyed this one! 17:something. Mod k2b and cleans I did 55lb, tall box for hspu, and started w/35 kb had to go 25 last 30sdhp. Fun!
This was a fun one, wish we were actually in sunny southern Cali!! Great 2pm class today.
21:00, still on 2 abmats for HSPU, rest rx’d.
This one made my arms cry. 15:23 Rx’d. Great job by the 5:30 crew. Great job Jill rocking the 53# KB.
Wow is right! I really liked this WOD…especially when it was over!
23:?? With 2 mats on HSPU-everything else rxd. I think I’ve done enough burpees in the past 2 days to be caught up on the challenge 😉
MOD everything EXCEPT the KB. Woot woot!!! Nice job 6:30!!! Love you!
20:22 on this fun one. Got talked down to 125 on the cleans and boxed the push ups. Can we call a truce on the cleans please? My blisters have blisters!
I made it through this one in 11:57. Nice wod. Excellent effort to Cory, brett and Morgan. You guys looked Sharp as always.
This WOD makes me think of sunny southern California!
I finished it…modified weights…19:something!
I really enjoyed this one! 17:something. Mod k2b and cleans I did 55lb, tall box for hspu, and started w/35 kb had to go 25 last 30sdhp. Fun!
This was a fun one, wish we were actually in sunny southern Cali!! Great 2pm class today.
21:00, still on 2 abmats for HSPU, rest rx’d.
This one made my arms cry. 15:23 Rx’d. Great job by the 5:30 crew. Great job Jill rocking the 53# KB.
Wow is right! I really liked this WOD…especially when it was over!
23:?? With 2 mats on HSPU-everything else rxd. I think I’ve done enough burpees in the past 2 days to be caught up on the challenge 😉
MOD everything EXCEPT the KB. Woot woot!!! Nice job 6:30!!! Love you!
20:22 on this fun one. Got talked down to 125 on the cleans and boxed the push ups. Can we call a truce on the cleans please? My blisters have blisters!
I made it through this one in 11:57. Nice wod. Excellent effort to Cory, brett and Morgan. You guys looked Sharp as always.