Great Job 5:30 class. It is always great having Kim as a coach as well!
My time was around 830ish i think. Karin would not stop and I was determined to keep up with her. It was needed motivation to keep moving!
You all had some amazing times on the whiteboard! Mine was 12:2?ish. Had to break down the final 60 5 at a time near the end. Toni made them look easy:)
Burp! Oh excuse me!
A little bit of this, a little bit more of that, and a whole lot of those! 🙂
Good times this morning with Linda, Liz, Wendy, MarCus, Double C, Phil, and 5am Lucas. I loved the outdoor WOD in the dark at 5am.
It felt more like a black ops mission this morning than a workout …..5 am is when the cool kids play.
I’m all about that nice cool weather. Daylight is an option as long as we don’t have to do that “R” word!
Liz, you crack me up! You are excused!
I miss my Crossfit 5am family! Hope to see you soon!
Great Job 5:30 class. It is always great having Kim as a coach as well!
My time was around 830ish i think. Karin would not stop and I was determined to keep up with her. It was needed motivation to keep moving!
You all had some amazing times on the whiteboard! Mine was 12:2?ish. Had to break down the final 60 5 at a time near the end. Toni made them look easy:)