
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 Double-unders
15 Burpees
15 Box Jump

Post rounds and fractions of rounds completed to comments.

CrossFit on ESPN

15 Responses to “Wednesday

  • stacy
    14 years ago

    AMRAP 20 minutes
    15 Double-unders
    15 Burpees
    15 Box Jump
    5 rounds + 14 box jumps

  • Julie
    14 years ago

    AMRAP 20 minutes
    15 Double-unders
    15 Burpees
    15 Box Jumps

    5 rounds +3 burpees
    First 3 rounds all du’s then could barely get consecutive su’s

  • Subbed 45 SU for the Double Unders, did the added 15 ft rope climb at end of each round:

    AMRAP in 20 minutes
    45 SU
    15 burpees
    15 box jumps
    1- 15ft rope climb

    5 rounds plus all SU, all burpees, and 2 box jumps

  • We’re doing “Karen” down here in Grapevine tonight. Someone pray for me…:) Can’t wait to get back home to my regular class on Friday AM. I know Chris is missing me something horrible. He keeps calling and hanging up…WTH Chris???

  • 5 and 1/2 rounds with 5 rope climbs. I won’t be in tomorrow, so if someone wouldn’t mind collecting the skin from my leg off the rope I’ll pick it up Friday. Also did a WOD with Doug afterwards. 20 push ups and 10 GHD’s – 5 rounds.

  • OK, the Toni update is actually mine. Stupid computer!

  • Oh, well, Jeff, since it is YOUR skin,we will leave it hanging off the rope………we would have collected Toni’s soft, smooth skin for her though!

    Nice work by the way 🙂

  • megHan
    14 years ago

    20min amrap
    15 du (all unbroken but round 5)
    15 burpees
    15 bj (20″)
    1 rope climb (15′)
    5 Rounds + 8bj

  • megHan
    14 years ago

    5Rounds + 8burpees

  • Moses
    14 years ago

    That was YOU answering the phone??? It certainly sounded like 490 to me! I got jealous and hung up.
    Color me embarrassed. 🙂

    Erin – 24:??

  • OK – this is the real Toni this time. Like Wendy, I substituted the DUs for SUs but UNLIKE her, I did NOT do the rope climbs. I’m not quite ready for that, plus I’ve got a tear from Erin that’s way too raw right now. Completed 7 rounds, plus SUs, plus 5 burpees. I won’t be in Thursday either, so someone else will have to look for Jeff’s skin.

  • I made it !!! I did a little tiny baby wod today
    followed by DU practice.
    Once I got here I realized I packed far too little Paleo snacks. So I have been sucking it up and embracing the discomfort and eating not good. However we did go to the local market and I made an attempt to bargain with one of the local vendors for fruit. It was a failed attempt to bargain, but I did get some great paleo snacks. PS this workout looks like fun!!! Thanks for all the support !!!!

  • YOU lost at bargaining???? Fruit must be a hot commodity over there!!

  • LoL Eat Some good food. Like bread, pasta, and saturated fat stuff. hahah love it.

  • ha done and done alex!!! And I know I lost at bargaining Wendy for fruit !!! I dont know for some reason I think the guy knew I did not know what I was doing. I am not sure what gave it away though 🙂