

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Push Press  [wmv][mov]

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10 Responses to “Wednesday

  • wendy
    14 years ago

    Push Press 100×3

    I hope that thing afterwards wasn’t called a “mini-wod” or a “cool down”…. it should be called the Beast……….Time: 8:28 with 53lbs

  • stacy
    14 years ago

    65/75/85/95/105/110 x3

    Yes I agree with Wendy, that was NOT a “mini WOD” 9:18 / 53# kb

  • Nikki
    14 years ago

    Push Press

    mini-wod…..4:43 35#

    Props to the ladies who managed to use the rx weight on this!!

  • Healy
    14 years ago

    Hotel WOD
    1.5 mile run on treadmill
    3 rounds
    50 jump rope traditional
    50 jump rope skier
    50 jump rope alternating

  • Kristin
    14 years ago


    Shoulders are def not my strength-literally!
    35# @ about 6min on mini wod & I agree with Nikki-great job to the ladies who pulled off 53#!

  • Armando
    14 years ago

    PPX3 185/205/225/235/225

    Mini WOD with 45# vest 8:04

  • I worked my way up to 105×3 and 110×1 with Deanna. The mini WOD … yeah not so mini….I also added the vest to keep up with the Jones’s.That is how I am going to refer to Will at CFNKY from this point forward, because he always comes in does some crazy stuff. For the rest of the day everyone myself included insists on trying. Thanks for the push !!

  • I managed to get up to 135×3! Last time I did this I only made it to 115# so huge improvement! Now, the not so mini mini Wod, 70# Kb with 40lb vest. Around 9min I think. It was a killer but felt good when said and done.

  • Great results for so many, nice work everyone!
    I managed the PP up to #85. Used the #35 for the mini and finished in 5;50. I would say maybe I should have tried the prescribed, but my back this morning says not so much. 😛
    A lot of folks wearing the vest for the mini yesterday. Way to go!!!

  • Jeremy Lovell
    14 years ago

    Final set of PP – 185

    Mini WOD with 45# vest 8:23