WOD: OLY WOD (posted on the whiteboard)
CrossFit Northern Kentucky Daily WOD:
Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3
four rounds of:
2 minute max double unders
20 Pull-Ups
Post time and reps to comments.
To answer everyones question- YES we are having the Barbell for Boobs fundraising!
It will be on Friday October 26th, 7:30 pm-This event is open to everyone.
BARBELLS FOR BOOBS ® is a 501(c)3 non-profit breast cancer organization whose mission is to provide funding through the MAMMOGRAMS IN ACTION ® GRANT PROGRAM for qualified low-income and uninsured women and men who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer.
Did the 343 workout this morning. Did not feel like a hero afterwards. 33:16 did box step ups and 25 pounds on the lunges, the rest rx’d. Deanna killed it.
did the 343 rxd 30.18 i think thanks for changimg the plates lucas these women are killing it i see what jeff meant by firebreathers;)
I did the hero wod in 21ish minutes. It was killer!! Thomas tried to hang with me but just couldn’t do it! Too bad he got crushed by a “firebreather” 🙂
haha you got me wish i smoked cigs so i could have an excuse but you did all the smoking great job today
🙂 You did great too!
27:5? RX’D
I had the pleasure of doing it with Lucas this afternoon.
Good job
I wish I was a “firebreather” to Thomas.
your everyones hero we all want to grow up like you 😉
Yay to Barbells for Boobs on Friday!!! I was worried the Tough Murder and B4B would be on the same day. 🙂
Bahahah! Spell check changed Mudder to Murder. Do u think that’s a bad omen?!?
We are doomed Karin…..