Group Warm Up: (10 Min)
200 Double Unders or 3 Min DU Practice
w/ Barbell 45/35
5x Clean High Pull
5x Power Clean
5x Front Squat
5x Hang Squat Clean
5x Full Clean
10 Mins to find a heavy set of the following complex:
1x Clean (squat) + 1x Hang Clean (squat) + 1 Jerk
5 Min EMOM @ 95% of above complex
1x Clean (squat) + 1x Hang Clean + 1x Jerk
12 Min EMO3M complete the following (4 total rounds)
Shoulder Press + Ring/Bar Muscle Up
** Shoulder Press – 5, 4, 3, 2 (go down in reps each round)(Heavy but no failures)
** 5 Unbroken Ring or Bar Muscle Ups or Strict Pull Ups (if you can’t go unbroken then do singles)
12 Min AMRAP
21 GHD Sit Ups
15 Deadlifts 225/155
9 Box Jumps