
Everyone is invited to attend CrossfitNKY Madness  Saturday, March 5th 10am-1pm

The event is free and open to your co workers, friends, family- there will be 2 wods, a fitness course, prizes from Fashletics/Rokfit/LifeasRx- Tell 3 new people about the event every day!

Day 53 Burpee Challenge!

Rest/Make-up/Skill Day………………Make up the wod that you missed this week

“Like” us on Facebook-Crossfit Northern Kentucky

The WOW(workout of the week) from the Masters WOD site.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 minutes of:

4 deadlifts

3 hang power cleans

2 front squats

1 shoulder-to-overhead

Rx’d weights are as follows:

Men Age Women
135# 40-44 95#
105# 45-49 85#
95# 50-54 75#
85# 55-59 65#
70# 60+ 45#

Your score is total number of reps, each round has 10 reps. Example; if you do 5 full rounds plus 4 deadlifts and 2 hang power cleans your score would be 56 total reps.

10 Responses to “Thursday

  • megHan
    14 years ago

    Go Visit Alex Scott 6:45pm TONIGHT!!! woohoo! 601 Central Ave. Newport, KY 41071. Bring your ID.

    miss and lv!

  • Rachel
    14 years ago

    This WOD may be my new fav…Loved it!!! Thanks for a great workout!

  • Sarah
    14 years ago

    Good job to the 4:30 guys who did Tuesday’s WOD with me tonight! It was a great first workout out of on ramp, even if I did use my baby bell and used the box to help with my elbows to knees!

  • Is everyone too worn out to comment tonight? Looks like I missed a good one!

  • Chris C
    14 years ago

    Just made up the WOD from Tueday!
    25 KB Swings 70#
    25 GHD
    25 Back Extensions
    25 Kness to Elbows
    5 rounds

    This one completely kicked my butt! I am excited that I finished it.
    RX’D at 39 something.

  • Kristin
    14 years ago

    I really liked tonights WOD too! I scaled the weight and did 25 rounds exactly! See you guys on Monday, I’m out of town for the weekend…enjoy it!

    Lucas, thanks for taking me in as a 630 straggler 🙂

  • Kristin
    14 years ago

    P.S. it says under the schedule on the site that there’s a 630 class on thursdays so I’m not completely crazy!!!

  • Armando
    14 years ago

    Finally I was able to get my a$$ to the box. I did today’s WOD and I got 22 rounds…

  • Jason
    14 years ago

    Justin and I did yesterday’s wod. I had to drop weight and use a thicker band on the pull ups before it was done, but we got through it!

  • Did the “Masters” wod. AMRAP 135# 4-DL, 3-HClean, 2-FSquat, 1-Overhead (however). Did 16 rnds + 4 DL. Skipped 5AM Friday… as much as I didn’t want to. Need some rest I guess. Looking forward to hitting it hard on Monday again.