Friday Schedule:
6AM, 9AM, 10AM, 1PM, 2PM
whats tomorrows times???
you da best!!!
First WOD:
10 deadlifts #225 10 push UPS 10 pull UPS
16:05 time
1 round:
250 meter row 50 double unders 25 kettlebell swings
3:26 time
Made up the Liz workout tonight. 20:49. As always, Liz kicked my butt!
Made up yesterday’s fun with 70# HPCs BJs & KTE…my time was FOREVER or 17ish. I couldn’t get the box jumps going-I guess my legs are still tired from Liz!
Happy New Year everyone and see you in 2011 🙂
Made up the back squat wod tonight…………..145-155-165-175-185×2
Mini wod: 3 rounds with 25#kb 10 KB squat cleans 15 kb swings 10 step ups
Time: 4:32
7 rounds 10 dl @135 25 du 10:27
whats tomorrows times???
you da best!!!
First WOD:
10 deadlifts #225
10 push UPS
10 pull UPS
16:05 time
1 round:
250 meter row
50 double unders
25 kettlebell swings
3:26 time
Made up the Liz workout tonight. 20:49. As always, Liz kicked my butt!
Made up yesterday’s fun with 70# HPCs BJs & KTE…my time was FOREVER or 17ish. I couldn’t get the box jumps going-I guess my legs are still tired from Liz!
Happy New Year everyone and see you in 2011 🙂
Made up the back squat wod tonight…………..145-155-165-175-185×2
Mini wod:
3 rounds with 25#kb
10 KB squat cleans
15 kb swings
10 step ups
Time: 4:32
7 rounds
10 dl @135
25 du