FREE Classes TODAY -10am and 11am
Open sessions for current xfit team members and visitors as well!
No crossfit experience required, just motivation and 100 percent effort!
Expecting clear skies and pleasant weather for todays wod, as always, be prepared for indoors or out!
What about Team Trevor with a 400m run to start/end and between each exercise?
Mark….we will look into the horrific wods you continue to come up with….watch out, I’ll spring one on ya when you least expect it 🙂
Welcome to everyone today! Nice to see the boot camp ladies- Alicia and Allison along with their friend Lisa. Guests- Tony, Tim, Mike, and Judy- thanks for coming out for a fun team wod today!
400m run, kb swings, wallballs- work at your station until the runner gets back, then switch. Go through the stations for a total of 3 sets!