Monday Mania

Ya never know what kind of ideas Coach Lucas picked up from the Qualifiers- look out for this wod 🙂

It appears that Armando placed 88th of 192 in the rankings- we are so very proud to have you training at UF

6 Responses to “Monday Mania

  • 6:32 for the mystery WOD
    DL 3-3-3-3-3-3

    PS I was totally stronger today because of my new CF shorts!!!

  • Julie
    15 years ago

    DL 3-3-3-3-3

    WOD: Just under 7 mins (waited too long to post & can’t remember now!)
    5 Rounds for time:
    7 DL (115 lbs)
    11 Burpees

  • Stacy
    15 years ago

    DL 3-3-3-3-3-3

    5 Rounds for time:
    7 DL #115
    11 Burpees
    Time: 7:07

  • wendy
    15 years ago

    Yes, Lola… all you need to go with your LuLu Lemon shorts are a pair of my socks!

    Welcome to Brie and Kim!

    DL 3-3-3 175 180 185 (I think- we were a large class, I got sidetracked after Coach Lucas scolded us :))

    5 rounds RX’d
    155# DL x7
    11 burpees w/ weighted vest
    Time: 8:55

  • Emily
    15 years ago

    DL 3-3-3-3-3

    5 rounds
    – 155# DL X 7
    – 11 Burpees with weighted vest

    Time: 7:30 something – don’t rememeber exactly

    The weighted vest was brutal!!

  • DL 3,3,3,3,3+3

    5 rds of:
    weightvest #25
    7 deadlift #225
    11 burpees
    Time: 7:03

    Great job everyone!!