1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups
Post time to comments.
It’s a CrossfitNKY Christmas!
When: December 22nd
What time: 7pm
Where: The Bakers’ House
*Bring your t-shirt for the exchange. If you cant make the party try to give your wrapped t-shirt to Toni, Jeff, or Lucas.
*Bring an appetizer to share! (Paleo not required)
*Beer and wine will be provided!!
*More Info in the Gym on the Whiteboard (Phone #s, address)
Monday -Wednesday – Dec 19-21- Regular Class Schedule
Thursday – December 22 – no 6:30 p.m. class due to CFNKY Christmas Party
Friday – December 23 – no 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. classes
Saturday – December 24 – Christmas Eve – 10:00 class only
Sunday – December 25 – Merry Christmas to All
Monday-December 26-no 5 or 6 am classes
I like Jackie better than Barbara!!!
What time does the festivities begin on Thursday??
The party starts at 7:00.
Hmmm, Jackie gives me a chance to try out my new erg-technique, but the hands are still torn from Barbara….
Have I ever told anyone how much i hate thrusters….well i do. Even at 45lbs these things kicked the crap out of me. Finished this little ditty in 7:55…I expect that number will get blown out of the water when Mr. Baker comes to class!
Adam, sorry to let you down. Just over 9 minutes for me. The pull ups is what got me.
Great 5:30 group. Everyone really pushed out those thrusters. Def. A little more than I thought it would be. Finished at 11:41. I agree with Jeff. Those pullups after the thrusters and rowing were a bit difficult.
Yuck. I did terrible. Rowing makes me die a little every time I do it.