Even tho I didn’t have the text book form by a long-shot, still able to put up 315, now if i can’t put my shoes on in the morning then i got a problem, but thats something to work on…Strong work 2pm class
225, 315, 335, 355, P.R 365
24 calories, 23 and 22. Didn’t keep track of the DU’s. Wasn’t exactly lighting those up. It was great to hear everyone cheering each other on tonight. A lot of PR’s tonight.
PR 185#…just had to tie with my sister!!! But props to both of us for dead lifting grown men now. And today I am officially switching to the red/blue bands for my pull-ups. If you see me with green/purple, knock me off the bar. Thanks.
Also, way to go Chrissy and Karin!!! You’re dead lifting multiple people now.
Yeah Baby! New PR tonight on Deadlifts. Finally got it 405#!! Very excited about that. Thanks CrossfitNKY. Great job tonight at 4:30, many new PR’s tonight.
200# – new high for me today. Had a great time with Sarah and Traci – both of which did unbelievable weight today! Wonderwomen! Mini wod was…..interesting! 16/14/13
Just thought of something……if you have a crossfitnky shirt, wear it on Saturday. Visitors will recognize you as a source of information and testimony 😉
Thanks to Liz and Traci who helped me figure out how much to lift tonight! Had a lot of fun with the 4:30 class, PR 185 on the DL, not to shabby for my first time! Wendy, not that I am a sorce of information, but I would love a shirt, how do I get one?
Nice to have such a full 6:30 tonight! Awesome job Laura and all you other 200# ladies I envy so much! I did manage a PR as well, I will book the 165 and still claim the 175 even though it was sloppy bad… Fun mini wod, we would have done better with total calories if I hadn’t spaced at the end. Thanks everyone, great group tonight!
So much fun! 175-185-195-205-215-225PR 235Failed. I was so excited!! Great job laura on matching! I knew you could do it! Let’s shoot for that 235 next time! Awesome job 5:30 class.
225, 275PR, 315, 335F, 335F
Great job traci!
225, 240, 255, 265, 275F
Previous PR was 240, Nice way to get the day started with measurable progress. “Goal for 2011 is 300.”
Thanks Jose for the encouragement and Wow to your first round 27 calories in 60 seconds on the rowing.
Did a “mom wod”
3 rounds
20 Push press 65#
20 Squats 65#
20 KTE
Kept Stacy company on the mini wod, 3 rounds of rowing and subbed plank hold for her DU’s
Congrats Traci!!
Deadlifts x 1
Mini WOD was a gaser! Glad Julie was there with me.
Dead lift PR in Sept 135
New PR after 3 month rest – 155#
P.R 250#
Even tho I didn’t have the text book form by a long-shot, still able to put up 315, now if i can’t put my shoes on in the morning then i got a problem, but thats something to work on…Strong work 2pm class
225, 315, 335, 355, P.R 365
24 calories, 23 and 22. Didn’t keep track of the DU’s. Wasn’t exactly lighting those up. It was great to hear everyone cheering each other on tonight. A lot of PR’s tonight.
Woo hoo!!! Way to go Wendy!! That is suuuuuuper strong!
Me not quite so strong but still pr’d at 215. 🙂
PR 185#…just had to tie with my sister!!! But props to both of us for dead lifting grown men now. And today I am officially switching to the red/blue bands for my pull-ups. If you see me with green/purple, knock me off the bar. Thanks.
Also, way to go Chrissy and Karin!!! You’re dead lifting multiple people now.
Yeah Baby! New PR tonight on Deadlifts. Finally got it 405#!! Very excited about that. Thanks CrossfitNKY. Great job tonight at 4:30, many new PR’s tonight.
Mini WOD. total of 76 Calories.
I was so excited to do this workout! Deadlifts are fun. BIG 6:30 class, lots of cheering and hollering and super strong lifts! Great job by all!
155-165-185-195-215-225 (PR) Failed 235. Met my goal to match Chrissy 🙂
Didn’t keep track individually of the mini-wod, but there was hot competition between the teams! Great fun and hard work by all.
200# – new high for me today. Had a great time with Sarah and Traci – both of which did unbelievable weight today! Wonderwomen! Mini wod was…..interesting! 16/14/13
Just thought of something……if you have a crossfitnky shirt, wear it on Saturday. Visitors will recognize you as a source of information and testimony 😉
New PR! 345# Fun class today especially with all the PRs.
Thanks to Liz and Traci who helped me figure out how much to lift tonight! Had a lot of fun with the 4:30 class, PR 185 on the DL, not to shabby for my first time! Wendy, not that I am a sorce of information, but I would love a shirt, how do I get one?
Nice to have such a full 6:30 tonight! Awesome job Laura and all you other 200# ladies I envy so much! I did manage a PR as well, I will book the 165 and still claim the 175 even though it was sloppy bad… Fun mini wod, we would have done better with total calories if I hadn’t spaced at the end. Thanks everyone, great group tonight!
So much fun! 175-185-195-205-215-225PR 235Failed. I was so excited!! Great job laura on matching! I knew you could do it! Let’s shoot for that 235 next time! Awesome job 5:30 class.
Well I got 405# up a lot easier this time then last but when I went for 415# I got halfway up but couldn’t fully extend my legs. That was frustrating.
For mini wod I had 30# vest on and didn’t keep track of double understand but for calories on row I had: