4 rounds for time of:
15 Push Presses
25 Wall Balls
35 Kettlebell Swings
Post time to comments.
Interested in purchasing a new jump rope? We will be placing a bulk order (that means “discount”)- see Lucas regarding which type we are getting and if it works for you!
Tell all your friends and family to vote- to win something like this would be huge strides for CrossfitNKY and crossfit as a whole in Northern Kentucky!
Use all the email addresses you have!)
Be sure to VOTE for your favorite workout facility in Cincy’s 2011 “Best of”
Under “goods/services/
“health/workout club”
be sure to “SAVE” at the bottom of the page!
Great WOD this morning!!! Just what I needed after taking the weekend off!! Finished this one Rx’d in 15:42.
15:46 but had to modify for my weak shoulder. Threw in box jumps instead of the push press. I felt pretty slow today, too many days off. Oh and no one else at the 9am class to cheer me on…
Little “community project”… As many of u know, our beastly brother, ALEX SCOTT, is going to be away for 3 months. To show him we care and how much we miss his crazyness, I want to get a bunch of letters/notes/cards/pics/WHATEVER, together for him!!! Ben is going to see him THIS Friday so you can give me your contribution up until this THURSDAY night and Ben will hand deliver all our love on Friday! I’ll be at the gym everyday this week from 5ish to 7ish and if I’m not there, please leave in the “Letters to Alex” box which I will leave somewhere in the front room. If you can’t get to the gym or forget, feel free to email me something at and I can print off at work to add to the love! Thanks in advance. I know Alex will be THRILLED to hear from all of you. He misses his crossfitnky, i know that for sure!!!
I’ve been away too long… I’m bringing someone special to the 6:30 class tonight 🙂
5 Reasons I Should Be Doing P90X instead of CrossFit:
1.) It’s a cheaper program.
2.) I would do it all alone.
3.) When I fail, no one would know and I could just carry on like I was never really trying anyhow.
4.) I would be working out in my living room.
5.) It’s “risk-free for 90 days!”
5 Reasons Why I Should Not Be Doing P90X Instead of CrossFit
1.) It’s a cheaper program.
2.) I would do it all alone.
3.) When I fail, no one would know and I could just carry on like I was never really trying anyhow.
4.) I would be working out in my living room.
5.) It’s “risk-free for 90 days!”
Stacey is a smart lady…Here we go Steelers!!! Yah!
And, I voted for CFNKY & Jarrett I think you should add ‘get to participate in a widely commercialized gimmick workout with thousands/millions of others’.
RANDI!!! Hope to see you tonight…I’m leaving to come in shortly 🙂
I was going to say “randi who?” but that’s not how we roll around here….we welcome you back and your “special friend” too
I’m going to miss you guys tonight and will have to make up this WOD on Thursday. I gave blood today, and am really feeling “off.” I think it’s better to get some rest and come in fresh tomorrow. Have a great workout, everyone 🙂
Time 18:40 ….I hate wallballs
Ugh! OMG! I just realized that the bandaid I had to rip off my first finger (non bloody thank god but still gross I know!) mid Wod… I totally left lying on the gym floor! Very sorry about this guys! Leave it and I’ll pick it up tomorrow! I HATE dirty bandaids! Apologies!
22 burpees
250m row x 5 (4 min rest btw sets)
Today’s Wod (Rx’d w/ wb to 10′ target)
Felt good today! I think my time was 14:55, I had Liz (one of the Energizer Bunny’s) pushing me and Jason. Thanks Liz!
Great workout today at 4:30 everyone.
Hey MegHan….I got your Band-aid 🙂
Yes, I killed it………only to read the board and find out that had I done ALL of the push presses, it might have taken me a teensy bit longer. DON’T ASK.
I have a lot on my mind lately and it’s interfering with my reading of the daily wod………… dare “life” get in the way of my Crossfit!!!!! 😉
Time 22:03
First fully rx’d workout–Thanks Doug for giving me the added push to try the 65!
Great job today everyone, tough workout!
Laura-congrats that’s awesome! You’ll probably always remember this WOD-mine was Randy…speaking of Randi-great to see you girl! Hope you’re back for good!
15 push press 65#
25 Wall balls 14#
35 KB Swings 25#
19:19 rx’d
2 minutes of double unders 77 (so far I’ve done 67, 81ish and 77) & REALLY looking for 50 unbroken but can’t get past 40s…boo.
2 heats at the 5:30 class…awesomeness!
This WOD opened up a can of whoop ass, chugged it and then proceeded to spew pain all over my body. I think I would rather get a root canal then do 100 wall balls. Rx’d at just over 22 minutes.
Good w
…ork friends!
Felt so good to get in a wod tonight and to be around all you motivated peoples. Had to miss most of last week. Sorry Stacy for leaving you alone at 9am, my schedule should get better next month.
I did a little scaling for a tender right shoulder area…
15PP @ 55#
rest rx’d
Good to be back 🙂 although I feel the pain… thanks to everyone for your support.
I saw you guys have been doing a paleo challenge… I went paleo pretty strictly for a good few months last year and had amazing results. Fell off the bandwagon lately but I’m getting back on it this week. I’m starting a blog to keep track of my paleo/crossfit progress and share articles and recipes so when it’s up and running I’ll let everyone know!
Rx for 3 rounds, but for the last dropped pushpress by 10lbs.
Ohh yeah one last thing. I am hurting! Haha
Made it up today (Thursday) and pulled it off in 13:44 Rx’d. I was worried about my dead legs and the WBs, but my shoulders were on fire so bad that I didn’t notice.