
*Burpee Day 8*

Happy Birthday Traci!!


Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

followed by an always fun” Mini”-WOD

Reminder:  Crossfit NKY  After the Holidays  Party celebration is scheduled for Friday, Jan 14th  starts after last WOD (8:30) on Friday. Directions and more information is posted on the bulletin board…See you there!!

16 Responses to “Monday

  • jarrett
    14 years ago

    Going to Rockquest tonight for some late night rock climbing. I’ll be getting there at 8:30 and climbing till close. Let me know if you want to go, you can get ahold of me at 513-295-5618. If youve never been you may want to show up about 45 min earlier to get cleared to climb.

    Perfect chance to put all of your crossfitting into motion.

  • Armando
    14 years ago

    Today’s burpees done!

    2000m row
    50 du
    1000m row
    100 du
    500m row
    200 du

    time 26:49

  • stacy
    14 years ago

    Deadlifts x 3
    Mini WOD 10:05 It is getting lonely at 9am on Mondays. Can someone come join me please 🙂

  • I am looking for some new X-trainers and am thinking about the Nike Free TR. I think some of you have them. Anybody know where to get them locally? Any opinions on the shoe.

  • Good workout today. Love the body weight stuff. Deads went up to 315lb and the back went south. Did the WOD in 9:06 (i think?).

    Mark I love my Nike Free’s! I think you’d like them if you get them.

  • Mark – I have Nike Free TRs and love them. Got them from the site – as I don’t know of any place around here that has them. All the places I’ve seen around here seem to only carry the running shoes. Good luck!

  • Armando
    14 years ago

    The 2011 CrossFit Games return to the Home Depot Center with a $1 Million Total Purse.,990/

  • megHan
    14 years ago

    somebody remind me…i got sunday and monday burpees to do…

  • Julie
    14 years ago

    Sorry Stacy for missing the early class, schedule conflicts lately…

    Made it to the 2pm and was pleasantly surprised to have 4 others to work out with!


    Mini wod 12:06

  • DLX3 Managed a new PR today.
    Mini Wod 9:51
    Great 4:30 class today!

  • Deadlifts x 3:
    165/175/185/195/205 (I think that’s what we did – I KNOW the final was 205) – New PR!!! Nice working w/you Wendy & Meghan 🙂

    Mini WOD: 10:50

    Great fun at 5:30 class!

  • Deadlifts x3:
    160/170/185/200/215/225……..feeling good so I did one more for a one rep max at 240 (PR)!!!

    Mini wod around 11:40, I think

  • megHan
    14 years ago

    Dl: 3@155,165,185,195,205. 1@225 (pr)
    Lv workin it with all the girls… I’m a back and forth kinda bar bitch!
    Wod: 11:04
    full ROM on all movements and that means ugly but chest to ground on all pushups.
    Burpees: 7 from Sunday and 8 for today. Slow and tired.
    Great night!
    Then it gets even better…arrive home to lovely dinner by benji! Organic and delish!!!

  • Kristin
    14 years ago

    I missed the 5:30 crew so much!! It was good to be back.

    185×3 is where I draw the line on dead lifts…we just don’t get along.

    11:10/15ish on mini WOD.

    Jeremy and I then did
    4 power cleans 75#
    4 kb snatch each arm 25#
    12 double unders
    amrap 5 minutes with 1 min break between rounds…we did 2 rounds. Great working out with you!

  • Kristin
    14 years ago

    How did I forget 8 burpees with Meg ‘bar bitch’ Han & Jeremy?!

    Fun class 🙂

  • Absolute gasser not so mini wod.