
ABOVE : This pictures was taken by Spc. Bounnavong of KY-ADT in Bagram ,Afghanistan in the picture is Spc. Peace performing a OHS with a 12×12 to the right SFC Bradley a level one CrossFit certified and to the rightof him Sgt. Murley all soldiers are from KY.  Thanks for the Picture Guys

We Support our Troops and are very proud of our men and women from Kentucky who serve this Great Nation, you are in our thoughts and prayers.


Three rounds for time of:
75 Squats
25 Ring handstand push-ups
25 L-pull-ups

Post time to comments.


Enlarge image

Marine Capt. Garrett T. “Tubes” Lawton, 31, of Charleston, West Virginia was killed by an IED strike in Herat Province, Afghanistan on August 4, 2008. He is survived by his wife, Trisha, and two sons, Ryan, 6, and Caden, 4.

Remember this weekend is the ARNOLD!!

The Sectional Event is being held as one element of the Arnold Classic on March 7. CrossFit HQ will be hosting a booth – stop by to compete in WODs, pick up swag from the CrossFit store and mix it up with HQ trainer-athletes Chris Spealler, Josh Everett and Crystal McReynolds. CrossFit Kids will be hosting a booth too, so bring the whole family.

As a reminder, the Arnold Classic Event is the largest multi-sport festival in the world so we expect the Columbus area to be very busy. Please make your hotel reservations by clicking here. Every hotel room in Columbus will eventually sell out.     excerpt taken from the crossfit games 2010 web site.

Important Dates and Times Line:
  • March 3rd, 5:00 PM – WODs Released
  • March 6th, 12:00-4:00 Early Check In Room B200 – Sign Waivers and get arm band and numbers. The more people who come during this time will help us greatly for Sunday.
  • March 7th, 6:30-7:30 AM Late Registration – If you miss this you WILL NOT COMPETE
  • March 7th, 8:00 AM The event will kick off. The WODs and heats will run pretty much consecutively until almost 6:00 PM. Plan accordingly.
Go ans Support your CrossFit Family

11 Responses to “Monday

  • Moses
    15 years ago

    This is a super great WOD…for all 11 people in the world who can do it as Rx’d!
    To be fair, my initial reaction was….WTF??? Then I did a scaled version and re-evaluated my thoughts and oddly enough my reaction after the beating was…yep, you guessed it…WTF??? 🙂

    3 Rounds for time of:
    75 Squats
    25 HSPU’s – (4-6 real HSPU’s, the majority on a box)
    25 Pullups- (10-15 knees tucked L rip-offs, the remaining a mix of dead hangs and kipping)

    Time: 25:??

    Good job by Jeff and Shelia!

  • Stacy
    15 years ago

    3 Rounds for time of:
    75 Squats
    25 HSPU’s – (1st rount little HSPU’s, 2nd and 3rd round on the box)
    25 Pullups- (Red band kipping)

    Time: 17:33

  • Good job today everyone, it was nice to meet new people. I agree with Moses WTF?!?! This was a good one and I would like to know just how many people can really do a ring handstand push-ups??

    push-ups on the box
    red band pull-ups

  • “Garrett“
    Three rounds for time of:
    75 Squats
    25 Ring handstand push-ups(alt. box)
    25 L-pull-ups( alt. kipping)
    Time: 16:22

  • Karin
    15 years ago

    Three rounds for time of:
    75 Squats
    push-ups on the box
    red band pull-ups

  • Julie
    15 years ago

    3 Rounds
    75 squats
    25 (semi) hand-stand push-ups on box (some on knees)
    25 mixed pull-ups with blue band

  • Jessica
    15 years ago

    This one was very frustrating to me. Even the modifications had to be modified to get me through it. Guess since I’m only a month in I shouldn’t be as frustrated with myself, but sometimes that just happens.

    35 squats
    15 shoulder press (1st round @ 45 lbs I think and 2nd and 3rd rounds @ 35 lbs)
    15 jumping pullups

  • Jessica
    15 years ago

    Oh yeah…my time. I think it was 18:something.

  • wendy
    15 years ago

    5 days off and a stressful weekend- felt good to be back at UF, then I see “Garrett” on the whiteboard…….
    3 rounds for time:
    75 squats
    25 HSPU (on the box- alternating straight-legged and knees)
    25 kipping pull ups
    Time: 20:43

  • Armando
    15 years ago

    Well the only that I can say about this WOD…I hate it!!!…and went right a way to the least favorite WOD list…

  • Randi
    15 years ago

    17:02, with pushups on the box. Made it through my first round of pullups with no band, got 10 the second round, and 5 the third round and had to finish out with the red band. Quads are hurting today!