Back Squats
135-145-155-165-170 x 5…could have gone a little lower on that last one. 9:something rx’d on the WOD. Great job Niki. Hey Deanna Johnson where have you been?
I’m still around….are you thinkin i’m fading away like last time? lol… im heading to calif tomorrow so i needed to get my family in order before i left. see you on the 1st of June. 🙂
don’t you guys have to much fun without me!!!!!
Good working with Ryan today. 155-165-175-185-195
9:29 on the wod Rx’d
still fatigued today..more rest required.
WOD- 6:17 rx’d
trying to stick to UB on most rounds….
Back Squats
135-145-155-165-170 x 5…could have gone a little lower on that last one. 9:something rx’d on the WOD. Great job Niki. Hey Deanna Johnson where have you been?
I’m still around….are you thinkin i’m fading away like last time? lol… im heading to calif tomorrow so i needed to get my family in order before i left. see you on the 1st of June. 🙂
don’t you guys have to much fun without me!!!!!
Did the power clean first time today lifted using 115 not rxd. but got the rxd on the ball
135 155 165 185 195
5:01 rxd. Last day at the box will be Friday.