

Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3

4 Responses to “Friday

  • 95-105-115-125-135-145 x3
    Did some ghds, kte, and suicides after that.
    Great work by everybody today!

  • Kim D
    13 years ago

    Ran the 800 again plus around the building afterward. Mile?

  • Laura
    13 years ago

    Haha! suicides my idea after the snatches…only 3, not 5 as originally planned. Thanks, Kyle, for running with me!
    55-65-70-75 (X2…plus one the first time). I just want to support everyone on their snatches. It is a really tough movement, and I know a lot of folks left the gym feeling down (LIZ…) All of you should be really proud of how hard you all worked on this movement! Great job everyone!

  • Megan S.
    13 years ago

    A little late.. but here it is… 55-65-70. It is hard to not get down about it but I just have to tell myself that it will get better. 🙂
    Good job everyone!