Haha! suicides my idea after the snatches…only 3, not 5 as originally planned. Thanks, Kyle, for running with me!
55-65-70-75 (X2…plus one the first time). I just want to support everyone on their snatches. It is a really tough movement, and I know a lot of folks left the gym feeling down (LIZ…) All of you should be really proud of how hard you all worked on this movement! Great job everyone!
A little late.. but here it is… 55-65-70. It is hard to not get down about it but I just have to tell myself that it will get better. 🙂
Good job everyone!
95-105-115-125-135-145 x3
Did some ghds, kte, and suicides after that.
Great work by everybody today!
Ran the 800 again plus around the building afterward. Mile?
Haha! suicides my idea after the snatches…only 3, not 5 as originally planned. Thanks, Kyle, for running with me!
55-65-70-75 (X2…plus one the first time). I just want to support everyone on their snatches. It is a really tough movement, and I know a lot of folks left the gym feeling down (LIZ…) All of you should be really proud of how hard you all worked on this movement! Great job everyone!
A little late.. but here it is… 55-65-70. It is hard to not get down about it but I just have to tell myself that it will get better. 🙂
Good job everyone!