Due to a little snowy weather, 5am and 6am are canceled…..
First class is at 9am, then 2pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm
WOD: This WOD is from Crossfit Northwest Tucson
As many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
9 Pull Ups
9 Squat Cleans (135/95)
9 KB Swings (53/35)
9 Toes to Bar
9 Push Press (135/95)
9 Burpees
Post time to comments.
From Drop Box |
This workout is in Memory of Nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green. As you all, know Christina was among those killed in the senseless shooting in Tucson, Ariz. on January 8 2011.
Is there really a 6:30 tonight? That’s unusual and awesome–and would give me time to drive my scared-of-snow self VERY slowly from work.
Yes Laura, we have a 6:30 tonight. See you then!
3 rounds plus 5 squat-cleans (Rx’d)
Holy Crap this was much harder than I thought, I seriously thought about looking for an oxygen mask.
Ugh!!!!!! Made arrangements to be at the 5:30pm and then Backfire!!….with only 3 comments ahead of me and only 1 pertaining to the wod- should I be glad I missed it?
Mark, I can’t agree with you more. This was much harder than I anticipated as well.
2 rounds and got 1 push press in
Wow-this is one of those coulda, woulda, shoulda ones for me…wasted too much time on Squat cleans (and I really like those).
Mod to 80# squat cleans & push press.
Only got 2 rounds + 5 toes to bar.
Also did AMRAP DU 2 minutes and sucked at that too, only 67. I’m trying again tomorrow 🙂
As always, great work & lots of fun with the 5:30 crew & big props to Karin for rx’ing this one!
See you in the morning!
Today’s Wod at an itty bitty 65#. Was feeling weak today.
3 rounds + 9 kbs
19 burpees thus morning
2min du amrap: 83
Good Wod with my buddy jeff!
I was 5 burpees away from 3 rounds. Rxd. Afterwards MegHan kicked my butt in some double unders. 🙂
So mad I missed this one! It looks like fun, I’ll have to try it at home tonight since I’m stuck at work all day today! See you guys monday!