Group Warm Up:
10 Min Group Warm Up
1x Clean Pull + 1x Mid Hang Clean = 1 Rep @ RM
then complete the following:
1x @ 95%
1x @ 90%
Clean Pull
3-3-3 RM
then complete the following:
3x @95%
3x 90%
Clean Long Pull
Mobility: (To be completed after metcon or if time allows before)
Shoulder Mobility
Happy Birthday Andrew Ross and Scott Spicher!
36 Burpees
4x 500m Row resting 3 minutes between sets
40 Burpees
**Max Effort each round. First row is your pace. If you increase your time more than :5 seconds above your pace time you owe 5 burpees for every second above. For example, first row pace is 2:00. On your 3rd row you row a 2:07, therefore you owe 10 burpees.