
WOD: OLY WOD (posted on the whiteboard)

CrossFit Northern Kentucky Daily WOD: ( This workout is not in addition to the Oly lifting workout of the day)

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
Run 400 meters

Post times to comments.

Saturday- FREE 10am Class open to everyone.

Saturdays at 11am will be heavy lifting days for those that are doing the OLY lifting program.

Sunday- 1pm WOD members only!

2 Responses to “Friday!

  • Jason
    12 years ago

    Just Jill and I doing the OLY work at 6 am. Looked like a run endurance workout for the rest..

  • David
    12 years ago

    4 of us at the 9am working on the oly. I am getting a little more comfortable with the lifts. Tough on the shoulders. Good job 9am