Kendra Ross


Kendra has been into fitness for over half her lifetime.  She has an athletic background which includes Basketball (collegiate), Softball (HS), Baseball (HS), Golf (HS) and Soccer (HS).  After college, Kendra continued to play recreational sports, adventure racing, various cardio programs and some basic weightlifting.

It wasn’t until 2012 that Kendra found CrossFit.  She was immediately hooked.  Late 2014, Kendra and her husband Andrew took over partial ownership along with Richard and Maria Brown from CFNKY’s original owner.

Kendra has had a drive to compete over the years and has competed at various local level competitions.  However, over the past several years she has become more passionate about helping others achieve their CrossFit goals and sharing her love for CrossFit with those who would normally think CrossFit is “not for them.”

Kendra is passionate about CrossFit.  “CrossFit takes the mundane and makes it fun.  It changes peoples out look on working out and changes perspectives on one’s abilities.” ~ Kendra

Level 1 CrossFit Trainer
Level 2 CrossFit Trainer
CrossFit Oly Cert
CrossFit Gymnastics Cert
USAW Certified
Spot the Flaw Online Course


2 Responses to “Kendra Ross

  • Marc Flick
    6 years ago

    I’m an golfer and looking to gain flexibility and strength. I’m 54

    • We would love for you to come try us out for free. Would you be interested in a free session to find out a little more about CrossFit and about our CrossFit box (gym)?

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